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Independence Day Skunk!

Summer is in full swing at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. Two weeks ago, we had our annual Safety Day presentations led by Mark...

Spring has sprung in the Andrews!

It's that time again! Spring has finally arrived at the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, but we are still fending off everything that...


Hello dedicated skunk followers! It's been a long hiatus. Things have been pretty slow around the Andrews. Following the government...


We are officially in skunkapalooza! Since late August, we have been catching skunks left and right and a few weasels from the HJA and the...

The familiar stench of success!

Watch out skunks, we are back at it again! It's time for our fall trapping season. We opened our traps last night, and the skunks...

Skunk mugshots of the 2018 summer

Here's the lineup of the skunks that we have collared around the HJA this summer. Compare and contrast their mug shots and see if you can...

Rain, rain, here to stay...

Nothing let's us know that fall is actually here better than a full week of rain. But with the rain and cooler weather, we finally have...

Getting ready to catch 'em all

For weeks now, we have been working on getting our traps ready for the trapping season. We are using Tomahawk 102 and 103 traps. We have...



Notes from the field

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